Life’s Answers
Saturday 29th June - 7.30pm
Tuesday 2nd July - 7.30pm
Saturday 29th June - 7.30pm
Tuesday 2nd July - 7.30pm
Saturday 24th February 2024
8th - 11th March 2024
Casual evening of light entertainment and refreshments
Presentation by Steve Gillespie
Come and see the power of God at work.
Come and hear about miracles and revival.
Come and fellowship with saints from near and far.
*Registrations have now closed - You can still join us, we just won’t be able to provide lunch on the Saturday or Sunday for you
Come and see our presentation on God’s amazing creation that defies evolution
Come and celebrate ten years of Revival in Ballarat!
Powerful presentations, moving entertainment and friendly people.
Come and hear about the Revival from God that changes lives.
Does it exist?
If it does, where can it be found?
Come & hear about the real hope from God that changes lives.
Come and see our take on the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark, an engaging musical comedy that promises to entertain people of all ages. The live music, witty script and fantastic atmosphere guarantees a fun-filled evening for the whole family.
This event will be hosted at Minerva Space, Ballaarat Mechanic’s Institute 117 Sturt st, Ballarat. Saturday 9th March 2019 starting at 7pm.
We ask for a gold coin donation per person upon entry which will be passed on to the Buninyong Mt Helen Fire Brigade.
Ballarat Revival Fellowship will be staging a number of events for this year’s Springfest.
On Saturday 24th November, come and hear the Word of God preached faithfully at a revival meeting. You will hear about the water of life and how you need never thirst again. Starting at 7:30pm at the Eastwood Leisure Complex.
On Sunday 25th November, we will have a stall at the Springfest Market around Lake Wendouree. Please feel free to drop in for a chat.
If you are a member of one of our assemblies and would like more information, or to register, please click the button below.